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At Italin we invest wholeheartedly in figuring out the bigger picture. We assist our track down the bits of knowledge and heading them with expecting to explore the computerized age. by first making a stride back together, we can then find what sort of arrangements will give the most beneficial, sustainable, and user–friendly way forward.
Design is not just about the surface, despite what many people believe. In fact, businesses who have recognised the potential and given design work strategic priority are 50% more profitable than their rivals. This is so that goods and services may be created that solve actual problems and bring value by understanding the consumers and their environment. Design is ingrained in the culture of Italin Technologies, which develops products with the end user in mind.

Design as a strategy

The discipline of design combines the power of invention, trend analysis, technology, and a grasp of the end user into a solid concept that is understandable to the market and prepared for production. For ourselves and our forward-thinking clients, Italin Technologies has taken its working methodology to the summit and turned design into a strategic management concern. The causes are both sentimental and logical.

Working with product creation in a fundamentally human approach is the goal of design as a strategy. Curiosity, exploration, and use of the whole spectrum of technical and artistic tools Design also has a competitive edge that is vital to corporate operations on a strategic level. Design-oriented businesses have greater vision, a deeper understanding of their own processes and consumers, and, most importantly, they are up to 50% more profitable.

Italin Technologies – a partner for future challenges

UX design, product design, and technical design are the three design methodologies we use at Italin Technologies. Each one has a full team of subject-matter experts. Each of the three has the same understanding of design as a management problem for the future.

With the user in one corner, technology in the other, and business possibilities at the top, our design process is triangular. We begin with an understanding of the world and the typical life of the end user that is constantly updated. We help our customers take charge of their design DNA by assisting them from problem formulation to concepts that are ready to go. Together, we create goods and services for the upcoming industrial revolution.
The modern world is dynamic and complicated. This means that every company or organization must manage and quickly adapt to the existing digital world. Are you in control of your digital journey?

All companies and organizations must create long-term plans for their digital transformation. Italin Technologies has the experience and cutting-edge digital capabilities required to assist our customers from initial concept to a finished service or product. always keeping the user in mind.

We help companies in a variety of industries with for instance:

  • Creating a digital culture
  • Adopting the latest technology
  • Analysis and orchestration of where to invest your money and efforts to stay ahead of competition in the digital era

  • Creating new, sustainable and digital business models
  • Insight into relevant market and customer trends
Our expertise

Italin Technologies is a stand-alone innovation partner with strategic knowledge in project management, business analysis, business design, and service design. This allows us to accompany you along the way because we have solution and cloud architects, AI engineers, and engineers for the Internet of Things.
Up until now, the majority of electrification has involved cars, trucks, and other on-road vehicles. However, electrically sophisticated systems perform better than traditional ones in other machines in terms of effectiveness, influence on the environment, and user friendliness. Join our three-step offer to learn how to make your equipment electric.

When analysing the characteristics of future products, three trends become clear:

  1. Product manufacturers work hard to add value to their goods.

  2. Global environmental consciousness has emerged around the world.

  3. Customers request lower operating costs and less maintenance.

Electrification and electric mobility are two solutions to this problem. Electric power can replace fossil fuels, achieving efficiency, financial, and environmental objectives. Additionally, you make future technology compatible items that are more user-friendly possible. Use some of our suggestions for making your equipment electronic.

In order to stay ahead of competitors and meet market expectations, we are certain that electrification is a crucial step to take—and one that is also partially backed by governments and private initiatives.

But where do you even begin? Different levels of electrification are advised depending on the use case, including electrified subsystems/accessories, mild hybrid, full hybrid, or totally electric propulsion.

The entire development chain, from early strategy assessments through final verification, can be supported by Italin Technologies:

  1. Establishing a plan to contact new companies.

  2. Improve the product by adding electric systems.

  3. For the greatest environmental and productivity benefits, incorporate an electrically driven drivetrain.

A powerful offer in three steps

The electrification of cars and industrial machinery is a multidisciplinary endeavor that calls for knowledge in a variety of fields, including simulation, HMI, software, hardware, electronics, mechanics, and software and electronics. By employing an iterative method for incremental product improvement, Italin Technologies has the cohesion and insight to support our partners’ strategic planning as well as the development of goods from those that are not powered by electricity to those that are.

Our electrification offer is based on an iterative and interactive process, divided into three packages:

Strategy for electrification

Activate your support systems

Use only electric

Your company’s vision, as well as market and consumer needs, are used to establish the electrification strategy and create a road map for achieving the objectives. The second package investigates and implements electrification of subsystems, such as equipment and accessories, if the roadmap identifies it as a positive step. Further, if electrified propulsion in the form of a hybrid or all-electric drive has proven advantageous, the third package will take care of its development and integration.

Why electrification? Summary:

There are several reasons and arguments to why go for electrification:

Higher productivity: A leaner maintenance cycle, cheaper running costs, and devices that are simpler to operate while also being able to complete their responsibilities more effectively and quickly are some of the key benefits of electrification.

Environmental care: Our community is becoming more environmentally conscious, and new regulations are passed to lessen our impact on the environment. Access to emerging, “clean” goods markets is made possible through electrification. In other circumstances, electrified products are more alluring due to available tax benefits.

Greater flexibility: New working settings for the items will be accessible thanks to reduced noise and pollution. For some uses, such as in mines or hangars, this is essential. A less noisy product could function in the city at night and circumvent socio-environmental restrictions.

Is your business on the road to servitization?

Increased competition, societal changes, rapid technical progress, and shifting customer behaviour. These and other considerations indicate that the basic functions and business models of the manufacturing industries need to include more services. Companies are getting more and more aware that the aftermarket is taking over as the primary market. The opportunity for future expansion can be found in providing more services.

Servitization is the conversion of products into platforms for services, resulting in advantages and value addition for the consumer, who then transfers it to their own customers. It takes a commitment to combine new business models with technological advancements made available by digitalization, as well as to modify organisations and procedures, to produce useful services. Servitization must be a key element of an overarching corporate strategy if it is to be successful. The value will be realised in the aftermarket.

Servitization – enabling innovative business models

Servitization opens up new opportunities in a variety of fields. Whatever the product type, increasing accessibility and dependability, boosting consumer satisfaction, streamlining internal efficiency, and maximising advantages all add value. Increased sales of new items, replacement parts, service and maintenance agreements, subscription-based services, and streaming media also include access to new revenue streams.

What is required to increase servitization?

We have identified four factors that companies must consider:

  • Using innovative technology to gather and analyse data is one of the foundations of servitization. To do this, various technologies are frequently coupled, including the Internet of Things (IoT), cloud services, machine learning, and digital twins.

  • It is crucial to create systems and structures that will enable the efficient and advantageous delivery of services.

  • A new way of thinking, a service logic, is necessary for servitization. In a nutshell, service logic entails viewing things from the standpoint of the value that a customer is attempting to provide for their client. The main insight is that value derives from using a product rather than just having it. The long-term result is frequently that the customer purchases the value.

  • Consider the following inquiries for yourself: Which role do we want to play in a value supply chain, and what does one look like? How do our services fit into our present business strategy and what are our available products? How does the market appear, and is it prepared? And how will this impact our business and our distribution networks?

We are your partner towards Servitization

We at Italin Technologies are always creating new techniques and business-growth strategies by fusing these four aspects together. The end user—their requirements and behaviors—is where we begin. We are convinced that the finest solutions are discovered by people who know the consumer the best. We bring an original strategy since we are involved from beginning to end. We accompany our customers on their journey towards digitalization and help them tailor their operations to meet consumer and market demands.
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Strategic Design and Innovation