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Our Industries

We focus on the industries where we can have a significant impact. Aeronautics , automotive,  security, rail, telecommunications, and defense are a few examples.
The advantages of knowledge sharing
Working with similar things across several industries has advantages. You may, for example, use best practices from one area to give yourself an edge in another. In the energy business, we might apply a high-quality procedure from the car industry. could create a hearing aid using knowledge from the communications sector. We at Italin Technologies believe that the sheer diversity of industries is a major factor in why people who work there are used to quick advances. The outcome is always better when we get the chance to cross-reference concepts and share experiences. The right size and flexibility Many of our clients prefer to engage with a smaller number of suppliers, and those chosen are expected to have a global presence. Customers want for partners who can handle bigger projects and increasingly, entire corporate operations. Italin Technologies  is big enough to handle these needs, but it’s also adaptable enough to work on smaller projects with local experts. The secret to competitiveness has historically been speed to market. Customers consequently need their products to be developed as quickly and efficiently as possible.    



After the virtual halt of air travel, the post-COVID recovery has started in a variety of ways all around the world. While long-haul flights are having difficulty returning to their pre-crisis levels, regional flights have experienced a significant increase in demand.

The lack of labour and supplies makes it difficult for aircraft manufacturers to expand production rates in expectation of a recovery in air travel.

Furthermore, the supply chain is still afraid of making investments to support this ramp-up given the current climate of uncertainty.
Today, Information Technology is an integral part of almost all types of technical solutions. With the rapidly accelerating pace of development, the right digital knowledge is vital to enable you to take your product or service to the next level.

Inclusive, state of the art and incisive tech solutions for solving today’s problems and be future ready.
The current status of the global geopolitical environment is terrible. Military forces are ready for the return of an interstate “high intensity conflict” after two decades of counterterrorism.

The military sector must accelerate the creation of equipment programmes (air combat, naval, space, and cyber, etc.) tailored to this new environment while taking advantage of unprecedented budgetary efforts.

The industry must simultaneously develop new skills (data, robotization, etc.) to anticipate technological advancements.
Governments established large investment plans to assist the advancement of electric and hydrogen technologies, as well as the related infrastructure, in the wake of the health crisis.

Several tech powerhouses, including Apple, Foxconn, and Xiaomi, have announced the beginning of their electric vehicle projects. Tesla is currently valued on the stock market higher than all other manufacturers combined.

Traditional manufacturers and their suppliers are relocating crucial production (batteries, semi-conductors, etc.) and comprehending software development for smart mobility in an effort to maintain their competitiveness.
States are investing heavily in rail transportation due to rising urbanization and a desire to lower CO2 emissions.

Railway operators are prioritizing the modernization of the signaling systems (CBTC, ERTMS, etc.) in order to boost the capacity of current lines.

As diesel-powered trains are phased out, manufacturers are testing hydrogen-powered trains as a means of decarbonizing non-electrified routes.
Most countries have seen a reduction in internal security efforts due to the collapse of air transportation and national lockdowns.

However, the rapid use of remote work has also made many firms vulnerable to cyber-attacks.

The industry’s titans are now establishing positions in the crucial areas of digital space security, the Cloud and digital identity being at the forefront.

The lack of IT and cybersecurity skills is being addressed by a number of efforts, including partnerships with software companies and special training programs.
Even while new applications in industry, agriculture, and health have been made possible by the first 5G deployments, the operators’ financial situation is still uncertain, especially given that the COVID crisis’s impact on roaming revenue has reduced their ability to invest.

The lockdowns (teleworking, home education, etc.) have also highlighted how urgent it is to roll out the Very High Speed network in all regions.

Operators are refining their business models by concentrating on spectrum and services in order to meet their significant investment goals for fibre and 5G. They rely on tools like infrastructure outsourcing, which encourages the rise of TowerCo giants, and tightening their nearshore-offshore policies.

The industry is also worried about connection quality issues brought on by timing constraints and the cascade of subcontractors engaged.
Production, delivery, and storage of decarbonized energies, which are regarded as “future technologies,” are becoming a major problem to fulfil the exponential growth in energy demand while maintaining the commitments to reduce CO2 emissions.

The industry’s giants are selling off their non-strategic assets and starting their transformation in order to finance the huge investments related to the energy transition (example: Total Energies).

Over the next ten years, there will be a significant load on the engineering professions as a result of the initiatives for new nuclear reactors (SMR, EPR2, etc.) and green hydrogen, which are currently at the centre of R&D spending.
Consumers will continue to use new services like click and collect, contactless payments, rapid delivery, personal shoppers, social selling, etc. because of the pandemic.

To offer a seamless, multichannel customer experience, all brands are accelerating their digital transformation. Internal and back-office procedures are now being digitalized.

Data use is becoming crucial for predicting customer demand, providing personalized offers, selecting products automatically, streamlining logistics, and optimizing costs.
Governments heavily rely on digital technologies to modernise their services, give employees a more comfortable working environment, improve coordination across departments, and maximize tax money.

Digital transitions are driven mostly by budgetary constraints and citizen demands in 75% of the world’s governments. According to 69% of respondents, state services are less digitally capable than the private sector. (Deloitte research)
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